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Articles & Publications

The publication of scientific studies in peer-reviewed scientific journals shows the desire and ability to constantly question and improve methodologies and medical practices.
The following papers/abstracts have all been published by staff at Fertility North.
Matson P, Tardif S (2012). A preliminary search for alternatives to albumin as a medium supplement for the culture of human sperm. Reproductive Biology 12, 329-331.
Walls M, Zuvela E, Ayres C, Sherrin D, Chhotani A, Butler L, Peirce K, Krapez J, Parker R, Mooy C, Mohan P, Catt S, Wiltshire M, Bakos HW, Whyte M, Matson P (2012). The influence of sample volume applied to the Makler sperm counting chamber upon the measured concentration of latex beads: a multi-centre study. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 1, 19-20.
Yap K, Matson P (2012). Human semen can be air-dried prior to testing for sperm DNA fragmentation with the Halosperm® G2 kit. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 1, 102-104.
Liu Y, Peirce K, Yap K, McKenzie K, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Norman M, Matson P (2012). The fate of frozen human embryos when transferred either on the day of thawing or after overnight culture. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 1, 187-192.
Hadlow N, Longhurst K, McClements A, Natalwala J, Brown S, Matson PL (2013). Variation in AMH concentration during the menstrual cycle may change clinical classification of ovarian response. Fertility and Sterility 99, 1791-1797.
Yap K, Cawley T, Matson P (2013). Internal quality control for the direct MAR IgG test: a simple and effective method using spiked seminal plasma. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2, 49-51.
Zuvela E, Walls M, Matson P (2013). Within-laboratory and between-laboratory variability in the measurement of anti-müllerian hormone determined within an external quality assurance scheme. Reproductive Biology 13, 255-257.
Zuvela E, Walls M, Matson P (2013). Two case studies assessing the effect of oral contraceptive pills upon serum AMH concentrations: Results from an external quality assurance (EQA) scheme. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2, 80-81.
Stemp M, McClements A, Sykes P, Chapple V, Matson P (2013). The measurement of oestradiol, progesterone, LH, FSH and hCG for assisted reproduction: a comparison of the Siemens Centaur CP and Roche e411 automated analysers. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2, 321-325.
Stemp M, Roberts P, McClements A, Chapple V, Natalwala J, Black M, Matson P (2014). Serum concentrations of the biomarkers CA125, CA15-3, CA72-4, tPSA and PAPP-A in natural and stimulated ovarian cycles. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 3, 90-96.
McEvoy A, Roberts P, Yap K, Matson P (2014). The Development of a Simplified Method of Human Semen Storage for the Testing of Sperm DNA Fragmentation using the Halosperm G2 Test Kit. Fertility and Sterility 102, 981–988.
Liu Y, Chapple V, Roberts P, Ali J, Matson P (2014). Time-lapse videography of human oocytes following intracytoplasmic sperm injection: events up to the first cleavage division. Reproductive Biology 14, 249-256.
Liu Y, Chapple V, Roberts P, Matson P (2014). The prevalence, consequence and significance of reverse cleavage by human embryos viewed with the Embryoscope™ time lapse video system. Fertility and Sterility 102, 1295–1300.
Stemp M, Roberts P, McClements A, Sykes P, Chapple V, Matson P (2015). The serum concentration of seven molecular biomarkers (CA15-3, CA19-9, CA72-4, CYFRA21-1, NSE, PCT, S-100) in women during natural and stimulated ovarian cycles, and early pregnancy. Journal of life Medicine 3, 1-5.
Liu Y, Chapple V, Feenan K, Roberts P, Matson P (2015). Time-lapse videography of human embryos: Using pronuclear fading rather than insemination in IVF and ICSI cycles removes inconsistencies in time to reach early cleavage milestones. Reproductive Biology 15, 122-125.
Liu Y, Copeland C, Chapple V, Roberts P, Feenan K, Matson P (2015). The relationship between embryo quality assessed using routine embryology or time–lapse videography and serum progesterone concentration on the day of ovulatory trigger in in vitro fertilization cycles. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 4 140-146.
Liu Y, Chapple V, Feenan K, Roberts P, Matson P (2015). Clinical significance of intercellular contact at the 4-cell stage of human embryos, and the use of abnormal cleavage patterns to identify embryos with low implantation potential: a time-lapse study. Fertility and Sterility 103, 1485–1491.
Peirce K, Roberts P, Ali J, Matson P (2015). The preparation and culture of washed human sperm: A comparison of a suite of protein-free media with media containing human serum albumin. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 4, 221-227.
Liu Y, Copeland C, Stevens A, Feenan K, Chapple V, Myssonski K, Roberts P, Matson P (2015). Assessment of human embryos by time-lapse videography: A comparison of quantitative and qualitative measures between two independent laboratories. Reproductive Biology 15, 210-216.
McEvoy A, Roberts P, Yap K, Matson P (2015). The relationship between the Halosperm assay and semen analysis performed according to the 4th and 5th editions of the World Health Organization guidelines. Andrology 4, 1.
Willers N, Martin G, Matson P, Mawson P, Morris K, Bencini R (2015). Finding the balance: Fertility control for the management of fragmented populations of a threatened rock-wallaby species. Animals 5, 1329-1344.
Stemp M, Roberts P, McClements A, Chapple V, Matson P (2016). Serum concentrations of the biomarkers CA125, CA15-3, PSA and PAPP-A in early pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility 5:1–6.
Liu Y, Chapple V, Feenan K, Roberts P, Matson P. (2016). Time-lapse deselection model for human day 3 in vitro fertilization embryos: the combination of qualitative and quantitative measures of embryo growth. Fertility and Sterility 105, 656-662.
Hamilton K, Hadlow N, Roberts P, Sykes P, McClements A, Coombes J, Matson P (2016). Longitudinal changes in maternal serum concentrations of anti-Müllerian hormone in individual women during conception cycles and early pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility 106, 1407–1413.
Brown J, Daya S, Matson P. (2016). Day three versus day two embryo transfer following in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD004378. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004378.pub3.
Hamilton K, Hadlow N, Roberts P, Sykes P, McClements A, Coombes J, Matson P (2017). Longitudinal changes in thyroid hormones during conception cycles and early pregnancy. Clinical and Medical Biochemistry, 3:1.
Peirce K, Roberts P, Ali J, Coombes J, Matson P (2017). A survey of scientists’ awareness of and attitudes to the use of human blood products and alternatives in human assisted reproductive technology. Hum Fertil (Camb). 2017 Jun 7:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14647273.2017.1334131.
Liu Y, Feenan K, Chapple V, Matson P (2018). Assessing efficacy of Day 3 embryo time-lapse algorithms retrospectively: impacts of dataset type and confounding factors. Hum Fertil 12:1-9.
Robinson, C., Roberts, P., Matson, P. (2018). Sperm motility assessment using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA): a comparison of standard microscope slides and coverslips and the 20 µm MicroCell™. Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility, 7, 1-7.
Robinson, C., Roberts, P., Reynolds, K., Matson, P. (2018). The effect of glycerol and a glycerol-containing cryoprotective medium upon the motility of human sperm prior to freezing, and subsequent difficulties in assessing sperm motility following dilution. Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility, 7, 8-14.0
Walls ML, Hart RJ. In vitro maturation. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2018 Nov;53:60-72. doi: 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2018.06.004. Epub 2018 Jun 28.
Julania S, Walls ML, Hart R. The Place of In Vitro Maturation in PCO/PCOS. Int J Endocrinol. 2018 Jul 31;2018:5750298. doi: 10.1155/2018/5750298. eCollection 2018
Liu Y, Sakkas D, Afnan M, Matson P. (2019). Time-lapse videography for embryo selection/de-selection: a bright future or fading star? Hum Fertil doi: 10.1080/14647273.2019.1598586.
Ezute A, Roberts P, Matson P (2019). Semen Analysis in African Laboratories: Is it Valid to Use the Reference Ranges from the WHO 5th Edition Manual for Clinical Interpretation? J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil 8:25-29
Waller E-J, Roberts P, Matson P (2019). Assessment of sperm motility, and its relationship with sperm function and fertility. J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil 8:30-53
Scott J, Roberts P, Matson P (2019). Preimplantation genetic testing: changes in biopsy technique and clinical utility. J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil 8:54-65
Rutherford T, Roberts P, Matson P (2019). Klinefelter syndrome: phenotype, testicular function and infertility treatment. J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil 8:66-79
Langdon EP, Liu YH, Matson PL, Mark PJ (2019). Human blastomere rotation in early cleavage embryos is not associated with reduced implantation: Evidence from time-lapse videography. Asian Pac J Reprod 8(6): 297-298
Liu, Y., Feenan, K., Chapple, V., Roberts, P., & Matson, P. (2019). Intracytoplasmic sperm injection using hyaluronic acid or polyvinylpyrrolidone: a time-lapse sibling oocyte study. Human Fertility, 22(1), 39-45.
Liu, Y., Feenan, K., Chapple, V., & Matson, P. (2019). Assessing efficacy of day 3 embryo time-lapse algorithms retrospectively: impacts of dataset type and confounding factors. Human Fertility, 22(3), 182-190.
Brits C, Feenan K, Chapple V, Matson PL, Liu YH. Timelapse videography reveals different morphokinetic profiles of human embryos displaying direct or reverse cleavage at different stages of development: A retrospective sibling embryo study. Asian Pac J Reprod 2020; 9(6): 261-266.
Liu Y, Sakkas D, Afnan M, Matson P. Time-lapse videography for embryo selection/de-selection: a bright future or fading star? Hum Fertil (Camb). 2020 Jun;23(2):76-82. doi: 10.1080/14647273.2019.1598586. Epub 2019 Apr 9.
Afnan M, Afnan M, Liu Y, Savulescu J, Conitzer V. Data solidarity for machine learning for embryo selection; a call for the creation of an accessible repository of embryo data. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2022; 45:10-13.
Chapple V, Bickendorf K, McKenzie K, Dunlop K, Liu Y.Improving IVF treatment outcomes via intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma: a prospective clinical trial. Human Reproduction. 2022; 37(suppl_1) i471-472.
Gupta I, Thorrowgood M, Ashton K, Chapple V, Liu Y. Searching for the optimal timing of intracytoplasmic sperm injection post oocyte retrieval: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Human Reproduction. 2022; 37(suppl_1) i287.
Kemper J, Liu Y, Afnan M, Mol B, Morbeck D. (2023) What happen to abnormally fertilised embryos? A scoping review. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 46:802-807.
Liu Y, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Chapple V. (2023) Clinical prognosis of abnormally cleaved embryos: time-lapse evidence of self-correction before blastulation. Human Reproduction. 38(suppl_1) i243.
Chapple N, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Chapple V, Natalwala J, Liu Y. (2023) Does the timing of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) relative to trigger impact live birth rate and neonatal outcomes. Human Reproduction. 38(suppl_1) i318-319.
Chapple J, Chapple V, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Liu Y. (2023) Time-lapse embryo deselection: development of an interpretable numerical prediction algorithm based on 10320 embryos. Human Reproduction. 38(suppl_1) i325-326
Gupta I, Thorrowgood M, Ashton K, Chapple V, Liu Y. (2023) The timing of intracytoplasmic sperm injection relative to oocyte retrieval: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertility and Reproduction.05:8-14.
Urbani G, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Liu Y. (In press) Beneficial effect of intrauterine instillation of autologous platelet rich plasma in frozen embryo transfers: a prospective clinical trial. Fertility and Reproduction.
Bickendorf K, Qi F, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Liu Y. (In press) Spontaneous collapsing as a prognostic marker of human blastocyst: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertility and Reproduction.
Liu Y, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Chapple V. An interpretable numerical algorithm for prognosis prediction of Day 3 embryos. (In press) Fertility and Reproduction.
Peirce K, Little S, Copeland C, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Liu Y. (In press) When will the next black swan event arrive? Disaster planning in ART. Fertility and Reproduction.
Forbrig M, Peirce K, Copeland C, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Liu Y. (In press) Mismatches in the ART laboratory: big data analysis on the contributing factors. Fertility and Reproduction.
Liu Y, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Chapple V. (In press) Abnormal cleavage and self-correction: time-lapse evidence of 9451 Day 3 embryos undergoing blastocyst culture. Fertility and Reproduction.
Urbani G, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Bickendorf K, Peirce K, Liu Y. (In press) Rescuing the reduced ovarian response in IVF via intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma: a prospective clinical trial. Fertility and Reproduction.
Haowen Zou, James M Kemper, Elizabeth R Hammond, Fengqin Xu, Gensheng Liu, Lintao Xue, Xiaohong Bai, Hongqing Liao, Songguo Xue, Shuqin Zhao, Lan Xia, Jean Scott, Vincent Chapple, Masoud Afnan, Dean E Morbeck, Ben W J Mol, Yanhe Liu, Rui Wang, Blastocyst quality and reproductive and perinatal outcomes: a multinational multicentre observational study, Human Reproduction, Volume 38, Issue 12, December 2023, Pages 2391–2399, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dead212
Kate Bickendorf, Fang Qi, Kelli Peirce, Jay Natalwala, Vincent Chapple, Yanhe Liu, Spontaneous collapse as a prognostic marker for human blastocysts: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Human Reproduction, Volume 38, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 1891–1900, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dead166
Tammy Lee, Jay Natalwala, Vincent Chapple, Yanhe Liu, A brief history of artificial intelligence embryo selection: from black-box to glass-box, Human Reproduction, Volume 39, Issue 2, February 2024, Pages 285–292, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dead254
Lee T, Peirce K, Natalwala J, Chapple V, Mark PJ, Sanders K, Liu Y. (2024) Abnormal cleavage up to day 3 does not compromise live birth and neonatal outcomes of embryos that have achieved blastulation: a retrospective cohort study. Human Reproduction. 39:955-962 https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/deae062
Hansen M, Hart R, Milne E, Bower C, Walls M, Yovich J, Burton P, Liu Y, Barblett H, Kemp-Casey A (2024) Ovulation Induction and subfertile untreated conception groups offer improved options for interpreting risks associated with ART. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.41:915-928 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10815-024-03060-6
Maria Forbrig, Kelli Pierce, Chris Copeland, Jay Natawala, Vince Chapple, Yanhe Liu (2024) Risk factors for mismatch in the ART laboratory: an analysis of 73719 electronic witnessing points Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 104500 October 23, 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rbmo.2024.104500
Kate Bickendorf, Fang Qi, Kelli Pierce, Rui Wang, Jay Natawala, Vince Chapple, Yanhe Liu (2024) Impacts of double biopsy and double vitrification on the clinical outcomes following euploid blastocyst transfer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Human Reproduction, Volume 39, Issue 12, December 2024, Pages 2674-2684 https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/deae235