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Welcome to Fertility North’s blog. 

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What is an embryo?

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Understanding the AMH Test & Interpreting AMH Test Results

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Egg Freezing: Why, How & Misconceptions

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Time-lapse Culture

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Can I Afford Fertility Treatment?

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What to expect in your first month of IVF

What to expect in your first IVF cycle In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be an exciting but also daunting prospect, with…

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A day in the life of a Fertility Nurse

Hayley Langton – Nursing Team Leader Fertility Nursing is an exciting and diverse role, quite different to the duties of…

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Why donor treatment with a licensed and regulated provider is a better, safer option.

In 2019, 60 Minutes released a report on “Joe Donor” which struck fear into the hearts of most fertility clinic…

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