Yoga and Meditation – Assist in Fertility

How yoga and meditation may assist fertility.
Yoga and meditation have been clinically shown to be beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety, assisting you to release toxins from your body, to create more blood flow and positive connection with the womb as well as supporting the body to relax.
These are all very important things to do if you are preparing to have a baby or trying to conceive. The practice of fertility based meditation and yoga can offer you take home skills that you can call upon when you are beginning to feel anxious, depressed or overwhelmed, enabling you to retain greater balance and to reduce the “flight fight” response. This assists you to create a safe and welcoming environment to nest in for baby, not to mention an easier, more pleasant place for you to reside in too!
It’s one of life’s ironies that when we are having difficulty conceiving, we become stressed about the situation which unfortunately makes it more difficult to fall pregnant, as research shows that stress upsets the balance required for conception to occur.
About Mandi: Mandi Nelson works under her own name as well as the umbrella of ‘Cherish You’. She trained at Byron Bay Yoga Centre with John Ogilvie as a teacher in the Purna style of yoga (8 limbs) – a hatha based, alignment-focused practice combining breath, meditation, philosophy and asana 3yrs ago. She has had a relationship with yogic practices since she was 8 years old spanning some 35 years. She teaches regular ‘sacred fusion’ breath focussed yoga & meditation classes and workshops in Perth & has taught in Byron Bay (Australia), Bali (Indonesia) & Siem Reap (Cambodia), utilising different yogic themes, sound, crystals, and essential oils – aromatherapy. She facilitates yoga and meditation retreats in India, Broome and Hawaii.
To learn more about Mandi, visit her website.