Fertility North is very proud to be a specialist Endometriosis Treatment Centre. Our doctors specialise in its diagnosis and have many years of extensive experience in its treatment.

What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a common disease affecting the female reproductive system. It occurs when endometrial tissue (the lining of the uterus) grows in areas of the body outside the uterus.
Endometriosis most commonly affects the reproductive organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes and external surfaces of the uterus), it is frequently found to affect the bladder and bowel and has also been found as far away as the lungs and brain!
What are the causes of Endometriosis?
The exact causes of endometriosis are still not fully understood; however, it is believed that endometriosis occurs because of endometrial tissue from the uterus moving into the fallopian tube and out into the pelvic area. It is thought that these tissue fragments then grow into the surrounding pelvic tissue and organs.
Because these fragments are made of the same tissue as the endometrium, they also respond to the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle and therefore, “bleed”. While menstrual blood exits the body via a period, this blood has nowhere to exit, causing the affected areas to become inflamed and irritated. The continual release of blood can contribute to the formation of scar tissue, called adhesions, which further exacerbate the symptoms.
What are the symptoms of Endometriosis?
Endometriosis affects individuals very differently, and the severity of your symptoms does not necessarily relate to the severity of your disease, with some patients not experiencing any symptoms at all.
Common symptoms of Endometriosis include:
- Fatigue, particularly around the time of your period.
- Abdominal or pelvic pain before and during a period, during or after sex or when going to the toilet, which may radiate into your lower limbs and may get worse over time.
- Heavy periods and/or irregular bleeding, sometimes with clots.
- Bleeding from the bladder or bowel, or changes in urination or bowel movements.
- Abdominal bloating, with or without pain.
- Infertility.